Speaking out for People with
 Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

IDEA and What it Means for Students with Disabilities

EP Magazine, September 2013
by Beverley H. Johns, Adjunct Instructor, Special Education, MacMurray College (Jacksonville, IL)


Three administrators at a high school recently got together and decided that they were going to place all the special education students with behavioral problems back in the general education classroom.  When I got an email from a very upset teacher who knew this was wrong, she asked what she could do. 

These types of situations and questions are too common today even after a law protecting students with disabilities was passed in 1975. There is still a lot of ignorance out there and it is important that all of us continue to advocate for students with disabilities and educate others about what the law really says.

What was wrong with what these administrators did?  

They clearly violated the principles of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 2004), the federal law that protects the rights of all students with disabilities that impact their educational performance. 

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