Commentary (Excerpts)
by Ethan B. Ellis, President, Next Step
August 26, 2009
Congressman Frank Pallone, unruffled and cool, managed to turn the provocative questions and comments [at a recent “Town Hall” meeting] into opportunities to provide real, substantive information about the bill he supports and the legislative alternatives being considered in the Senate. Despite the din, I learned more in an hour than I had in months of sorting through news and opinion on TV and online. I even got in a question that filled in some of the blanks. Here’s how H.R. 3200 will affect people with disabilities:
When it comes to their top legislative priority, disability activists fear later will mean never.
Update: Judge accepts revised settlement; preserves choice
Illinois Judge sides with choice; rejects proposed settlement and decertifies class
Residents of Illinois’ private facilities for persons with developmental disabilities and their families celebrated an early-July decision in Ligas v. Maram. The lawsuit, filed by Illinois’ Protection & Advocacy against the State of Illinois, has concerned families of private facility residents after learning of its filing in 2005. The lawsuit, filed by just nine plaintiffs, was filed on behalf of a class of 6,000 people.