Speaking out for People with
 Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

VOR’s Mary Reese Testifies About Cruel and Wasteful HHS Funding for Deinstitutionalization

On April 29, 2015, Mary Reese, VOR Board Member, represented VOR in testimony before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies. Consistent with VOR’s written testimony and the written testimony submitted by many VOR members and others, Mary asked the Committee “not for any money, but instead, that the appropriated funding be used as intended, according to the law, and in support of family values and choice.”

“VOR respectfully requests the Subcommittee's support for language in the HHS appropriations bill to prohibit the use of such appropriations in support of forced deinstitutionalization activities which evicts vulnerable individuals with profound disabilities from HHS licensed Medicaid facilities,” she states. “HHS funded deinstitutionalization, which target HHS funded and licensed homes, is an absurd and cruel use of federal funding.”

Read Mary Reese's Verbal Testimony Here

Read VOR's Written Testimony Here