VOR Submits U.S. Senate Testimony Opposing Federally-Funded Forced Deinstitutionalization By U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agenices
Submitted April 2, 2015 to the U.S. Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies
VOR strongly believe such forced deinstitutionalization activities are contrary to federal law and cause human harm. These deinstitutionalization activities, including advocacy, lobbying, class action lawsuits, and other tactics by some HHS-funded agencies that result in the downsizing and closure of HHS-licensed ICF/IID homes, some specialized group homes, sheltered workshops and day programs. These HHS v. HHS deinstitutionalization activities are a cruel and absurd use of federal funding.
Tragedies are widespread and predictable when fragile citizens are removed from specialized care. The legally-protected rights of families and legal guardians to serve as primary decision-makers are routinely ignored. Bill language prohibiting the very actions that lead to human harm and are contrary to federal law is desperately needed.