Speaking out for People with
 Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

VOR Submits Testimony for Record Asking Senate to Prohibit Federal Funding for Forced Deinstitutionalization; Hundreds of Choice Advocates Share Their Support

VOR is a national organization that advocates for high quality care and human rights for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).  VOR calls on the Senate to prohibit the use of U.S. Department of Justice appropriations in support of deinstitutionalization activities which evict eligible individuals with I/DD from their HHS-licensed and funded Medicaid homes, in violation of federal law.

Read VOR's Testimony Here

Nearly 500 advocates for family members and friends also submitted a statement for the record in support for VOR’s testimony.

VOR Submits Testimony for Record Asking Congress to Prohibit Federal Funding for Forced Deinstitutionalization; Hundreds of Choice Advocates Share Their Support

VOR is a national organization that advocates for high quality care and human rights for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).  VOR calls on Congress to prohibit the use of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) appropriations in support of deinstitutionalization activities which evict eligible individuals with I/DD from their HHS-licensed and funded Medicaid homes, in violation of federal law.

Read VOR's Testimony Here

See related Senate Testimony

588 advocates for family members and friends also submitted a statement for the record in support for VOR’s testimony, and many others submitted their own testimony.

Home is Where the Heart Is

The Coalition for Community Choice (CCC) is a unified voice for increasing options and decreasing barriers to housing choices.

By Desiree Kameka, Director of Community Education & Advocacy, Madison House Autism Foundation; and Tamie Hopp, Director of Government Relations & Advocacy, VOR; Originally published in EP (Exceptional Parent) Magazine (April 2014), excerpts posted here.

Did you know…

  • In the next decade, over 800,000 on the autism spectrum will transition to adulthood. 
  • Almost all states have waitlists for accessing adult support services, yet the average growth of funding nationally is only 3.2%.
  • Almost one million individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) are still living with caregivers over the age of 60.

In response to these staggering statistics, there is a movement of families and local organizations working together to create sustainable solutions to this national housing and support service crisis. They are organized and gathering information at conferences, many have joined together for advocacy as the Coalition for Community Choice, and are sharing solutions at the new Autism Housing Network.

Read full article (EP Magazine, April 2014)

VOR Webinar Series: Regional Meetings - The Need for Advocates to Act Global and Local

Hosted by VOR's David Hart and Geoff Dubrowksy, VOR's "Regional Meetings: The Need for Advocates to Act Global and Local" Webinar, was held Thursday, March 20 to discuss VOR's new vision for regional meetings between VOR members, families, guardians and like-minded advocates. We discussed the advantages to state-level and national advocacy, networking, and development when advocates in a region have opportunity to connect with one another. 

To listen to a recording of the webinar, contact Tamie Hopp at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for a recording (MP3 format).

To download the presentation (PDF), click here

Coalition sends letter to CMS re: New "Community" Rule

March 5, 2014

A letter signed by 41 organizations, including VOR, was sent this week to Marilynn Tavenner, Administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Organizations, representing the Coalition for Community Choice, expressed “appreciation of the earnest effort to balance many perspectives in your consideration of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Settings Final Rule (CMS 2249-F/2296-F),” while also requesting that CCC have “opportunity to review proposed State Guidance Letters and provide input before publication.”

Read letter here

Kentucky: Adult abuse registry would protect elderly and disabled

The Courier Journal * January 25, 2013

While Kentucky maintains a registry of people found to have abused or neglected children, disability advocates say there is no accessible system to track personal caregivers who abuse, neglect or exploit elderly or disabled adults.

Since 2009, the Cabinet for Health and Family Services has substantiated more than 7,400 such allegations, state figures show. But most do not result in criminal charges, and the findings aren’t accessible to potential employers, according to the Kentucky Protection and Advocacy Division.

After a handful of failed attempts in recently years, advocates and several lawmakers are undertaking a new push in this year’s legislature with two bills to create an Adult Abuse Registry, aimed at keeping abusers from moving from job to job among group homes, personal care companies and families who hire such workers

Senate Bill 98 (SB 98), is sponsored by Senator Sara Beth Gregory of Monticello and co-sponsored by Senator Denise Harper Angel of Louisville.

 House Bill 256 (HB 256), is sponsored by Representative Ruth Ann Palumbo of Lexington. 

Highlights of the Kentucky Adult Protection Registry Bill


Related news: 


Several years ago the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS) was awarded $3 million federal grant (matched with $1 million in state funds) to provide national fingerprint background checks for caregivers.  In 2013, the Interim Joint Committee on Health and Welfare adopted the Kentucky Applicant Registry and Employment Screening Program (KARES) regulation, 906 KRS 1:190, to implement fingerprint background check program; KARES was officially implemented by the Governor implemented on December 10, 2013. KARES adoption is mandatory for all state-operated and owned long-term care providers. It is voluntary for all privately-operated facilities (e.g., nursing homes and 3-bed community homes), although there is much pressure for these to fall in line. The Adult Protection Registry legislation, if passed, would make it mandatory for them.

Read KARES Overview