VOR Policy and Positions Statements
VOR supports individual and family participation in decision-making.
VOR supports both ICF/IID homes and quality community-based service options based on individual need.
VOR advocates for the right of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to choose from a full array of high quality residential and other support options including own home, community-based, and large settings, such as licensed Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICFs/IID)
VOR supports safe and appropriate quality care in the community.
VOR opposes the use of federal funds for any activity that would deny individuals with Intellectual and developmental disabilities benefits or rights available to them under federal law.
VOR supports a full array of employment options, including sheltered workshops, supported employment, and competitive employment based on individual abilities.
VOR supports guardianship for individuals who cannot speak for themselves in some or all aspects of their lives, when in the best interests of the individual as determined by a court of law.
VOR supports a full array of education options for students with disabilities, from mainstreaming to special education settings, as required by federal law.