The Value of VOR Membership
Please download, print, and share our Membership Appeal: The Value of VOR Membership
The Value of VOR Membership
VOR is a national, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization advocating for high quality care and human rights for all persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Founded in 1983, VOR is the longest running grassroots national advocacy organization supporting a full continuum of care options for people with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities, and their families. We recognize and champion the right of individuals and their families to be the primary decision-makers regarding care and policy decisions, regardless of service setting.
VOR is 100% privately funded and receives more than 95% of its financial support from families of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).
Membership in VOR entitles you to receive the Weekly E-Mail Newsletter, a thrice annual print newsletter (The Voice), an invitation to an Annual Conference and Initiative in Washington, D.C., Action Alerts, individual advocacy, and legislative and legal advocacy. Members and supporters also enjoy the intangible benefit of supporting this truly grassroots national advocacy organization. VOR provides you with the information, networking opportunities, and tools to be a better advocate for your loved ones with I/DD.
VOR Works for You
This year, VOR has been working on issues that affect your family:
- VOR's Legislative Committee, our Executive Director, and advisors from our D.C. lobbying organization have been working with leaders of other advocacy groups and supporters to speak with Members of Congress in order to promote parity in increased federal funding for Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs) in the Build Back Better reconciliation bill and the Better Care Better Jobs act. The current legislation was written to provide increases only for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS), leaving out the most severely disabled members of the I/DD Community and the Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) who staff these centers.
- VOR’s Issues/Oversight Committee, along with our President, Executive Director, and advisors in D.C. have been engaging with members of Congress to fight the phasing out of sheltered workshops and the issuance of special wage certificates as provided by Section 14(c) of the Federal Labor Standards Act of 1938. These programs afford unique employment opportunities for a specific group of individuals with intellectual disabilities who thrive in a supported, supervised environment as opposed to an integrated, competitive workplace. VOR supports programs that will encourage competitive integrated employment, but does not feel that supporting these programs for one group of people requires taking away programs and opportunities from another group of individuals.
- VOR’s Quality of Care Committee has been promoting ways to expand high quality dental services to those unable to access them. One of the members of this committee has recently managed to change the laws in Louisiana to improve access for people in HCBS settings, and is continuing to work to ensure that people in private ICFs receive the same guaranteed dental benefits. Members of the “Q of C” are currently working to develop and promote comprehensive studies on morbidity and outcomes for individuals with I/DD who have been forcibly transferred from their years-long ICF homes and placed into smaller, often less suitable, HCBS waiver settings.
- VOR continues to meet with leadership of the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Department of Justice (DOJ) to advocate for better reporting of critical incidents, especially those involving abuse and neglect in HCBS waiver settings, as well as for better pay, training and certification for Direct Support Professionals in all settings.
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